Sunday, April 7, 2013

Answers to Saturday's trivia

1. Arlene  a pink stray first appear in the Garfield comic strip on Dec. 17, 1980.  Nermal proclaimed himself the “cutest kitten in the world” and was initially owned by Jon’s mom. 
2. Voiced by June Foray, Lucifer, is the devilish cat in the original 1950 film Cinderella
3. Mr. Bigglesworth is a hairless Sphynx in Austin Powers.  Sphynx cats are typically easily trained and very social.
4. Church was a British shorthair in Pet Sematary.  His name was short for Winston Churchill.
5.  The original Morris was found in a Chicago animal shelter in 1968.  He was said to have round the clock guards to protect him from kidnappers after his fame.
6.  Tom was the cat from the Tom and Jerry team created for M-G-M.
7.  Sylvester J. Pussycat Senior appeared in several Looney Tunes cartoons.  Sylvester is a tuxedo cat with much pride and a will to never give up.
8.  The Cheshire cat appeared in Disney’s Alice in Wonderland.  He didn’t have a name until Tim Burton recreated the film in 2010 giving him the name Chessur.
9.  Lucky, the Tanner’s cat in the tv show ALF was always avoiding being eaten by the title character.
10.  Siamese cats Si and Am liked to cause trouble and avoid any blame in the Disney movie Lady and the Tramp.  They sang the song “we are Siamese, if you please” .
11.  Mr. Jinx was played by  Mishka in the movie Meet the Parents with Ben Stiller and Robert Di Niro.
12.  Penelope accidentally gets paint spilled on her creating a white strip and making Pepe fall instantly in love.
13.  Burbank the cat was Danny Glover’s pet in Lethal Weapon.
14.  Salem is the black cat on the popular television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
15.  Felix, the cat created by cartoonist Otto Messmer has appeared in over 250 newspapers.
16. Little Figaro is cranky one minute and adorable the next in the Pinocchio film.
17.  Catwoman appears as a character in many Batman movies and television shows.
18.  Henrietta Pussycat was a puppet that lived in a treehouse in the land of make believe on the show Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.
19.  Sassy was a Himalayan in the 1993 film Homeward Bound.
20. Jake was forced to land his spaceship here on Earth and was played by two Abyssinian siblings named Rumple and Amber in the Cat from Outer Space.
21. Snowbell is a beautiful white Persian voiced by Nathan Lane on Stuart Little.
22. Rufus befriends the little girl Penny on The Rescuers.
23.  Duchess and her kittens, Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse, are helped out by Thomas O’Malley in Disney's The Aristocats.
24.  The Cat in the Hat is a mischievous cat.  The original book used 236 distinct words and is 1629 words in length.
25.  Tabby belonged to the 16th president Abraham Lincoln.