Sunday, April 21, 2013

Flood Preparation Tips

With the weather getting warmer this means the Red River will be on the rise.  Here are a few tips on keeping your pets safe if you need to leave your home.

*Have a plan.  Start talking about what you will do with your pets should you need to evacuate and they are unable to go with you.  A friend or family member may be in a safe area and able to care for your pet in your absence.  A shelter may be another choice for pet owners.
Waldo and Tiki

*Vaccinations.  Make sure your pet is current on any vacinations or medical care they may need.  If you will be leaving your pet at a shelter they may require a copy.

*Identification.   Have a current photo of your pet.  Put a collar on your pet to ensure that their identification is known.  Have a leash handy.

*Supplies.  Bring along food, water, cat litter, garbage bag, a familiar bed or blanket, a favorite toy or item that will help your pet feel secure.

*Carrier.  Have a sturdy carrier for your pet to travel in.  It is best for pets to be in a carrier while in a vehicle.  The carrier should be large enough for the animal to stand and turn around.

Bishop and Cyrus
*Medications.  Order enough medications that your pet may need to take with you.  This might include food that would need to be ordered ahead of time.

*Calm travel.  There are sprays and other helpful items that can be used to help your pet stay calm if they are not used to traveling or are in a new home situation.  Check local pet stores for available products.

*Sign.  If you need to leave your pet in your home be sure to leave a note with the names and types of pets (photos would be helpful), as well as information about how to contact you.  If your pets are with you leave a note stating "EVACUATED WITH PETS" so anyone checking your home will know that they are safe and won't need to look for them.

*When you arrive.  When you arrive at a new place set up your supplies to help the pet stay comfortable and have familiar items around them.  This may be a stressful time for your pet as well as for yourself.  Be aware of any other animals or children that may be at the new house.  It might be best if your pet stayed in one room with their familiar items rather than having the whole house to learn about.  Look up the name and phone number of a vetrinarian in the area where you will be staying in case medical care is needed in your temporary home.  Be sure to give your pet some love and attention often in the new home. 


Supply list
-vaccination records
-food/water bowl
-favorite toy
-blanket or bed
-bottled water
Stay safe and prepared!