Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Some reasons your cat might meow

1) I’m hurt – Your cat’s meows may indicate that there is something medically wrong, especially if the behavior isn’t typical.
2) I’m just saying hi – Often a cat meows to his human when you come home.
3) I want food – The “I’m hungry” meow is likely one all cat parents know well.
4) Pay attention to me – Sometimes cats talk simply because they want your attention – and they learn that meowing gets them just that.
5) Let me in - If a door is closed, cats might meow to get you to open it for them.
6) I’m in heat
– A female cat in heat might yowl incessantly.
7) I’m stressed – You may have experienced this first hand with a cat meowing loudly in the car on the way to the vet, for example.

Of course, as any cat parent knows, sometimes cats meow for some unknown reason. Perhaps because the sky is blue or he wants you to change the channel on the television. Paying attention to the circumstances in which your cat meows and the sounds he makes can be fun and help you understand your resident feline a little better.

Taken in part from: