Friday, September 12, 2014

Cat Trivia

  • A group of adult cats is known as a clowder, a clutter, or a pounce. A group of kittens is a kindle, a litter, or an intrigue.
  • Cats were so loved by the Egyptians that they sometimes mummified a mouse to accompany the cat into the afterworld.
  • The small patch of white fur on a cat's chest is known as a "locket".
  • Cats are the sleepiest of all mammals. If you total up all the cat naps, your cat sleeps about 16 hours a day!
  • Cats offer sandpaper kisses due to tiny knobs called papillae on the surface of their tongues. They are shaped like backward hooks and are designed to hold food and to provide the abrasiveness cats need for good grooming.
  • Cats do walk differently from dogs! Cats, along with giraffes and camels, are the only animals with a gait in which front and hind legs move together first on one side, then on the other. Cats also are the only clawed creatures that walk on their claws rather than their paw pads. Cats are frequently born with six or more toes on one paw.
  • Cats’ whiskers, so long and stiff, should never be trimmed. Cats use their whiskers to find their way in the dark, determine whether or not he/she can get into or out of a tight place, and a host of other navigation tasks.
  • Taken from: